Dear locals, second home owners, guests and friends of the Moosalpregion
Moosalp Bergbahnen AG is in a financially strained situation, which requires that the Board of Directors decides on reorganization measures. To this end, the Board of Directors has drawn up a restructuring concept together with the two municipalities of Bürchen and Törbel.
In the APP "Moosalp" the different phases of the concept are described in detail, surveys are also carried out with this APP and it also offers us the possibility to send information via push messages to all interested parties. You also have the possibility to subscribe shares directly through the APP.
We are dependent on everyone's help, the reorganization of MBB is realistic, ...
... the road is steep, but doable!
... a balanced package of measures is needed!
... everyone helps!
Thank you very much for your support!
Download the app now and join in: