Nachtskifahren und Gästeapéro am 1.1.25

erlebe die Pisten bei Dunkelheit – ein Abenteuer für Klein und Gross Nachtskifahren im Kinderskigebiet Bodmen Bürchen am: Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2025 von 18:00 bis 19:30 Uhr gleichzeitig Gäste-Apéro im Kinderland Bürchen

Hiking trail field - Parlei closed

Törbel: Der Wanderweg Feld Richtung Parlei ist aufgrund eines Felssturzes bis auf Weiteres gesperrt.


Ein neues Kapitel für das Berghotel + Restaurant Weisshorn in Törbel

Ein Team – eine Vision Ein neues Kapitel für das Berghotel + Restaurant Weisshorn in Törbel    Mit einem Panoramablick auf die atemberaubende Bergwelt der Moosalpregion auf die Mischabelgruppe, das Weisshorn und das Weissmies und einer Herzlichkeit, die ihresgleichen sucht, startete das traditionsreiche Berghotel + Restaurant Weisshorn in Törbel dieses Jahr in eine neue Ära. …


Wir öffnen das Kinderparadies Bodmen!

Gute Nachrichten! Am Samstag, den 30.11. und Sonntag, den 01.12. öffnen wir frühzeitig das Kinderparadies in den Bodmen. Von 10 bis 15 Uhr können sich Klein und Gross hier im Schnee vergnügen. Dazu gibt es Kantinenbetrieb im Erlebnisland. Ein Tipp für alle, die noch das passende Equipment benötigen: Zenhäusern Sport ist am Samstag von 9:00-12:00…

Wintersperre Bürchen Egga – Moosalp

Infolge Wintersperre bleibt dieser Strassenabschnitt ab sofort bis zum Frühjahr 2025 für jeglichen Verkehr gesperrt.  

Zeichenfläche 31 Kopie (1)

30 Jahre Snowboardclub Funriders: Ein Interview mit Präsidentin Romaine

Hallo Romaine, danke für deine Zeit! Erzähl uns doch kurz, was dich als Präsidentin des Freeski- und Snowboardclubs Funriders antreibt. Danke – ich freue mich, hier zu sein! Ich bin Romaine, komme ursprünglich aus Bürchen und leite seit zwei Jahren den Freeski- & Snowboardclub Funriders. Der Club begleitet mich schon seit meiner Jugend. Damals haben…

Neuland Sinnsationell

Besuch uns an der Messe in Thun

Vom 31.10. bis zum 03.11.24 sind wir mit einem Stand an der Messe in Thun. Wir freuen uns darauf, dich dort zu treffen!

Umbau & Öffnungszeiten Info Center November

Wir bauen um! Das bedeutet: Im November sind wir per E-Mail und Telefon für dich erreichbar. Das Info Center an der Ronalpstrasse ist in diesem Monat geschlossen.   Aufgrund unseres Besuches an der Neuland Messe wird das Info Center auch bereits am 30.10 und 31.10 nicht geöffnet sein. Wir sind per E-Mail und Telefon für…

Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-12 um 20.30.10

Gutes Ergebnis der Moosalp Bergbahnen AG

Die 56. Gerneralversammlung der Moosalp Bergbahnen AG ging heute mit anschliessendem Raclette im Gemeindesaal in Bürchen über die Bühne. Den Aktionären:innen konnte ein gutes Ergebnis mit einer Umsatzsteigerung von 20% und einem EBITDA von 24.1% präsentiert werden. Ein grosser Beitrag vom Ergebnis konnte durch den Beitritt zum Magic Pass sowie durch die winterlichen Bedingungen erreicht…
Neuer Vitaparcours in der Moosalpregion

Infrastruktur im Wandel: Wie die Moosalpregion ihre Naturerlebnisse noch schöner macht

Die Moosalpregion ist nicht nur für ihre atemberaubende Landschaft und abwechslungsreichen Freizeitangebote bekannt, sondern auch für ihre kontinuierlichen Bemühungen, diese Naturerlebnisse zu pflegen und zu verbessern. Im Interview mit David Weissbrodt, Verwaltungsratsmitglied der Moosalp Tourismus AG und zuständig für das Ressort Infrastruktur, erfahren wir mehr über die jüngsten Sanierungsprojekte und ihre Bedeutung für Einheimische, Gäste…

Color your Moosalp

Unsere neue Color your Moosalp-Kollektion bringt die Vielfalt unserer Region direkt auf dein Shirt. Jedes T-Shirt ist ein Unikat – handbemalt von Oberwalliser Künstlerinnen, inspiriert von den Farben, Formen und Stimmungen der Moosalp. Ob der tiefe Blauton des Bergsees, das satte Grün der Wiesen oder das warme Orange des Sonnenuntergangs: Die Motive spiegeln die Vielfalt…


Vize-Weltmeister: Gratulation, Elias Lehner!

Vergangene Woche fanden in Livigno die Junior World Championships Snowboard & Freestyle im Big Air und Slopestyle statt. Beim Big Air Wettkampf der Snowboarder sprang Elias Lehner vom SC Bürchen auf Platz 2 und sicherte sich damit den Vize-Weltmeistertitel. Wir sind wahnsinnig stolz und freuen uns riesig mit Elias über diesen Erfolg!

Minigolf-Anlage, Spielbagger und Kugelbahn ab sofort offen

Die Minigolf-Anlage in den Bodmen in Bürchen ist ab Dienstag, 26. März 2024 täglich geöffnet. Schläger und Bälle findest du in unserem Selbstbedienungsschrank hinter dem Info Center. Auch die Spielbagger und die Kugelbahn laden zum Spielen ein. Wir wünschen viel Spass beim Spiel.

Ende Wintersaison und neue Öffnungszeiten Info Center

Die Wintersaison des Skigebietes Bürchen – Törbel  endet am 19. März 2024. Vielen Dank für die Treue und den Besuch im Winter 2023/24. Öffnungszeiten Info Center Bürchen ab 20.03.2024: Montag bis Freitag 09.30 bis 11.30 Uhr Samstag und Sonntag erhalten Sie Informationen und Auskünfte in den Restaurants Ronalp und Bürchnerhof. Öffnungszeiten Info Center Törbel ab…

Schliessung am 19. März aus Erfahrungen trotz reichlich Neuschnee

Liebe Gäste, Einheimische, Zweitwohnungsbesitzer, und Schneebegeisterte, Wie jedes Jahr schliessen wir unser Skigebiet um den Josefstag, dem 19. März. Diese Entscheidung wurde getroffen, unabhängig von den aktuellen Schneeverhältnissen und basierend auf den nicht wirtschaftlichen wie wirtschaftlichen Erfahrungen der letzten Jahrzehnten. Weiter wäre eine spontane Verlängerung aufgrund der Arbeitsverträge, welche die Moosalp Bergbahnen AG mit den…

Bürchneralp sledge depot

The sledge depot is now located in the alpine stables on the Bürchneralp. This is located approx. 50 meters below the Restaurant Panorama.

Information Törbeltallift

Dear guests During maintenance and inspection work in late summer 2023, it was unfortunately discovered that masts 11-14 are up to 50 cm off axis due to terrain shifts over the years. After various consultations with experts, it is not safe to operate the lift. For this reason, the Törbeltal lift cannot be used this season.

Mini golf and ball track and play excavator closed

The minigolf course, the ball track and the play excavators in the Bodmen Bürchen will remain closed from the beginning of November until the end of the winter season. We look forward to welcoming you back in spring 2024 and thank you for your numerous visits during the summer of 2023.  

Road Bürchen Egga - Moosalp closed

The road Bürchen Egga - Moosalp is from Tuesday, October 31, 2024 in winter closure and closed to all traffic. Thank you for your understanding.

55th General Meeting of Moosalp Bergbahnen AG

The 55th General Meeting of Moosalp Bergbahnen AG will take place on Friday, October 13, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Törbel gymnasium all shareholders are welcome to attend  

Last chance share capital increase

Moosalp Bergbahnen AG is in a financially strained situation, which requires that the Board of Directors decides on restructuring measures. You can still support Moosalp Bergbahnen by subscribing to shares until September 30, 2023. You can find the form here

Changes due to the Magic Pass

By joining the Magic-Pass the following changes for the next winter season 2023/24: There will no longer be a local season pass as of the 2023/24 season Prices (adult CHF 399.- and children CHF 269.-) are valid until April 11, 2023 12:00 p.m. After that, prices will increase continuously For toddlers born 2018 and younger, there will still be the local...

The Moosalpregion is part of the Magic Pass!

The Magic Pass is your year-round leisure pass, summer and winter. Whether you prefer hiking, skiing, biking or sledding, the offer in the 69 winter and 31 summer destinations is versatile and invites you to discover and this for a whole year until the end of April 2024! The earlier the cheaper! The earlier you...


The operation of the Alpuschnaager will be completely discontinued on Monday, 06.03.2023. There will be no more regular trips, not even from Chale Bodu. We also stop the operation of the Schnaager Znacht. Thank you for your understanding.  

Give away a piece of vacation happiness!

Give away a piece of vacation happiness! Sweeten your loved ones' next visit to the Moosalpregion by giving away a Moosalpregion voucher. Moosalpregion voucher - hiä chusch ämbri, the voucher card for experiences, enjoyment, shopping and service in the Moosalpregion. New in our voucher store to buy. Our vouchers - perhaps a suitable gift that will be remembered for a long time....

General Assembly Moosalp Bergbahnen AG

54th Annual General Meeting of Moosalp Bergbahnen AG Friday, October 28, 2022 7.00 p.m. Community Hall, Bürchen We look forward to welcoming as many shareholders as possible to the meeting.

Season subscription advance sale of the Moosalp Bergbahnen AG

Season ticket advance sale from October 1, 2022 to November 11, 2022 Advance sale Whether local or guest - everyone benefits from the advance sale! The season tickets are also valid in the ski resorts Unterbäch, Eischoll, Visperterminen and Gspon. The advance sale lasts from October 1, 2022 to November 11, 2022. During the advance sale you get 20% off the prime rate (CHF...

New management of the Birchnär Lädelis and the chalet management

3 years ago, the tourism organization has taken over the Birchnär Lädeli through Moosalp Services without further ado. As of June 1, 2022, the FEM Service takes over the Moosalp Services GmbH and thus the management of the Birchnär Lädeli and the chalet management.

New host Hotel Weisshorn, Törbel

After 33 years, Fripi and Noemie Lorenz-Abgottspon are handing over the Hotel Weisshorn in Törbel to new hands. The Hotel Weisshorn is therefore closed since December 2021. The Weisshorn will be reopened around the beginning of March 2022 by the new host Dominic Juon. Link thank you letter Fripi and Noemie Lorenz-Abgottspon: Hotel Weisshorn thank you letter_December_2021

Wolf crack in the Törbeltelli

As could be read in the newspapers, a sheep crack occurred in the Moosalp region last week. The crack happened above the Moosalp in the area of Törbeltelli. However, there is no danger for hikers in the whole Moosalpregion. The Moosalpregion can therefore continue to be hiked through and discovered without hesitation.

7 awards for Moosalp Bergbahnen

Last winter season was very challenging for Moosalp Bergbahnen, as well as for most other mountain railroads. Despite the pandemic, skiing operations could be maintained in compliance with the various protective measures. On the occasion of the international Skiarea Test, the Moosalp Bergbahnen as well as the Hotel Restaurant Bürchnerhof were awarded and honored for their performance during the past season.

Tour de Suisse Climb Visp - Moosalp

In exactly one year's time, the Tour de Suisse will once again stop in the Upper Valais. On June 17, 2022, the professional cyclists will fight their way up a spectacular final climb from Visp via Törbel to the finish on Moosalp. The next day, the riders will then start the next stage from Visp. And you can already get in the mood for the event.

Luzia Stucki and Philipp Schmidt new owners of the Bethania

For quite some time now, the Bethania vacation home has captivated Phillipp Schmidt and Luzia Stucki. On hikes they admired this special place in the Moosalpregion and discussed together how it would be to acquire this property. The dream has now become reality ...

Pro Jacks - Offers for locals

Pro Jacks offers include the log cabins - Oase, Geerostrasse 30 in Unterbäch Moosalphütte at the Unterratlift in Bürchen Offers for locals: Locals of the communities of Bürchen, Unterbäch, Eischoll, Törbel and Zeneggen generally pay half price on Pro Jacks offers. For the 6-day deceleration offer, additional weekends have now been added for locals in the Moosalphütte:...

Ride the Alps Moosalp - a complete success

On Sunday, June 6, 2021, the first edition of the Ride the Alps Moosalp took place. The road between Stalden and Moosalp was closed to motorized traffic for five hours and was open to cyclists for a free ride.

Migros Hiking Sounds

This summer it will be musical in the Moosalpregion. On Saturday, July 17, 2021 and Sunday, July 18, 2021, the Migros Hiking Sounds will take place in the region. This is a hiking event accompanied by live concerts. The hike starts at a specially set up Start Village in Bürchen and leads visitors via a Base Camp Stage in the Breitmatten above Törbel to the stage destination of the hike, the Hiking Sounds Stage on Moosalp.

Ride the Alps Moosalp

On Sunday, June 6, 2021, the Ride the Alps Moosalp will take place. The road from Stalden via Törbel to Moosalp will be closed to traffic for five hours. During this time, the road will be available to cyclists, who will be able to tackle the ascent to Moosalp at their own pace and without danger from motorized traffic.

Tour de Suisse, June 17, 2022

The date of the Tour de Suisse finish on the Moosalp in 2022 is now officially known and confirmed by the UCI: Friday, June 17, 2022. The start in Visp will then take place on the following Saturday, June 18, 2022. We are already looking forward to many spectators.

Ramon Zenhäusern on the phone of Moosalp Tourismus AG

Did I really hear correctly? That's what callers to Moosalp Tourismus AG have been asking themselves lately. Since recently, they hear the voice of ski racer Ramon Zenhäusern when they call outside opening hours or when all employees of the Info Center are busy.

Bärgüf Event 2021 - Event takes place

Corona will hopefully be controllable in the next few months, but the disease cancer will not be for a long time. Therefore, the OC of Bärgüf has decided to...

Thank you very much!

The winter season 2020/21 in the Moosalpregion came to an end yesterday. At the end of the season we were once again rewarded with lots of sun and thanks to the fresh snow with top slope conditions. The team of the Moosalpregion would like to thank all its guests for the great season, the visit and the loyalty. We are already looking forward to seeing you hopefully soon in...

Updated: Important information for the start of the season

Updated: The Moosalpregion officially starts the winter and ski season on December 19, 2020. In recent weeks, detailed protection concepts have been drawn up for the Moosalpregion ski area in order to offer guests and employees the safest possible skiing experience.

Moosalpregion wins tourism award MILESTONE

Tourism award MILESTONE for the Moosalpregion The winners 2020 of the MILESTONE, the most important award in tourism, are known: The two young tourism experts Selina Döringer and Fabrizio Gull convinced in the category "young talent" and were awarded for the holistic reorientation of the Moosalpregion. For over two decades, the MILESTONE EXCELLENCE IN TOURISM has been awarded to particularly innovative projects...

We protect you

All season ticket holders and those who will become season ticket holders by December 18, 2020 will receive a "Bergbahnen design" tube towel as a thank you for their loyalty and for their personal protection. The protective cloths can be obtained from the start of the season on presentation of the season ticket at the ticket office of Moosalp Bergbahnen.

General Assembly Moosalp Bergbahnen AG

52nd Annual General Meeting of Moosalp Bergbahnen AG Due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, the 52nd Annual General Meeting of Moosalp Bergbahnen AG will be held in camera. As a shareholder, you can cast your vote by mail or e-mail using a voting form. The voting documents as well as the voting form can be obtained until December 4, 2020 at...

News about the strategy MoosUp

Unfortunately, the information event MoosUp had to be cancelled for reasons known to all of us. Nevertheless, we would like to present you a part of the strategy online, according to the circumstances.

Moosalp Tourismus AG and second home owners sign charter

While 2 years ago they fought each other until the federal court, there is now a good cooperation between second home owners and the tourism actors in the Moosalpregion. The AZEB (Alliance of Second Home Owners Bürchen) and the responsible tourism actors in the Moosalpregion decide on a charter of cooperation.


Moosalpregion launches new winter offers

Against the current uncertainties, the Moosalp region continues to invest in its offer. With the concept of the Freeridecross, the Moosalp Bergbahnen even implement a Switzerland-wide new concept of a funline for skiers and snowboarders. Through the BRACK.CH Skimovie, the Moosalpregion makes its partnership with the slalom specialist Ramon Zenhäusern tangible for the guests.

Key visual_across

Information event MoosUp

Something has to change to keep it the way it is.
Where should the Moosalpregion go? Where will the region be in 10 years? For a sustainable development of a tourism destination, long-term planning is of great importance. For this reason, a vision with a holistic tourism strategy was developed under the name Moos-Up - 360° Valais.

The Moosalp region welcomes the Tour de Suisse

After 85 editions, the Tour de Suisse will have one more highlight: the Moosalp!
On the Friday of the Tour week in June 2022, the Moosalp region will welcome the fourth largest national tour in the world in the form of a stage arrival on the Moosalp. The cyclists will fight for victory on the final climb from Stalden, via Törbel to Moosalp. The Moosalp region is extremely happy about the acceptance and is preparing everything for a sports festival in a class of its own.

Information voucher action VS 100

The State of Valais, together with ValaisWallis Promotion, has launched the "Voucher CHF 100" promotion. The aim of this promotion is to support the Valais economy affected by COVID-19. We thank our guests for choosing Valais and give them a voucher worth CHF 100 (5 x CHF 20), which they can redeem directly at the participating partner businesses. The vouchers will be issued for every booking of at least two consecutive nights in a hotel or four nights in a vacation apartment or seven nights at a campsite in the period from 27 July to 15 December 2020.

Thousand thanks

Despite the abrupt end of the season, we in the Moosalpregion can look back on a great winter and for this you as our guests have contributed a significant part. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all locals, guests, service providers, partners, sponsors and employees for their loyalty, support and good cooperation.

Valais championships in the Moosalpregion

Next weekend, the young skiers of Valais will compete at the JO Valais Championships in the Moosalpregion. The planned program can be carried out almost without exception as planned, despite the strict federal guidelines regarding the Corona virus.

Spectacular ski festival in the Moosalpregion

On February 22, the Moosalpregion hosted the first NightFight presented by
EnAlpin took place. A prominent starting field and exciting duels under floodlights were the
characterized the event.

Many thanks to the employees of the Moosalpregion

On January 8, the traditional staff evening took place in the Moosalpregion. In addition to maneuver criticism and sporting excitement, long-time employees were also honored.

Winter closure road Bürchen Egga - Moosalp

WINTER CLOSURE ROAD Bürchen Egga - Moosalp The road between Bürchen Egga and Moosalp is from now on in winter closure due to the winter conditions.

The Moosalpregion and BRACK.CH join forces

THE MOOSAL REGION AND BRACK.CH TENDER TOGETHER The Moosalpregion and the online store BRACK.CH go together for the coming winter and enter into a partnership. The hanger for this is the so-called "Ramon Zenhäusern Weeks", which take place in January and March in the Moosalpregion. For the coming winter season, the Moosalpregion is entering into a special partnership with the online giant BRACK.CH....

Best annual result of Moosalp Bergbahnen

BEST ANNUAL RESULT OF MOOSALP BERGBAHNEN On Friday, October 11, 2019, the 51st Annual General Meeting of Moosalp Bergbahnen AG took place in the community hall of Bürchen. Thereby, the responsible persons could look back on a successful business year. The 2018/2019 season remains in good memory in the Moosalp region. This, although at the beginning of the season the snow conditions in the lower...

The Moosalpregion in a new dress

The Moosalpregion wears a new dress since August 20, 2019. The rebranding is intended to express the desired professionalization of the tourism region and reflect the new positioning thrust of relaxed, decelerating and nature-based tourism.

Mobile guest card

Digitalization has become a part of everyday life and opens up new development opportunities for tourism. That is why Moosalp Tourismus AG is launching the digital guest card with immediate effect. The card is mobile and can be sent by e-mail and stored locally on the smartphone after online registration by the apartment owner.